After a sleepless night in the hotel with paper-thin walls, I woke up at 5:45 (ugh, AM!) to catch the local bus to Bac Ha at 6:30. Asking for directions to the local bus station was of no use, because private taxi touts were everywhere!! There was no straight answer from anyone. Ugh! Turns out that the bus station was seriously 300m from our guesthouse, just around the corner. Ha ha, we made it there by 7am and bartered with the unyielding minibus driver for the fare. The final price was

30.000 dong per person, with the posted price being 23.000...I am sick of the foreigner surcharge! Haha, on our way back...the bus was packed to the brim with many people sitting in the aisles and standing... it makes PERFECT sense that we had to pay 40.000 pp... somehow, getting more people on the bus
doesn't make it cheaper. The ride there was a bumpy 2 hours...but coming back, was 4 hours in total!! Ahhh...Vietnam.

Even though the road to Bac Ha was the worst I have encountered in Vietnam (waterfalls...running right across the road! and lots of mudslides), the Sunday market was worth the trip. People from all the neighbouring hill tribes descend en mass and buy everything from livestock to earrings.
The train ride back to Hanoi on the hard sleeper was tough (hard means HARD! Straw mats...the gorgeous embroidered blanket I bought at the market came in handy..lol), and we arrived at 4:15am. And believe it or not, we ran out of gas for the THIRD time. Ya, I'm serious! But this time...it wasn't entirely our fault. The people steal the petrol from your bike when it is in the cargo compartment. SOP. So we thought about putting some gas in a bottle in Lao Cai, but it was raining, and we were lazy. Thankfully, there is always someone to help out when a profit is involved; we paid a guy 10.000 dong to bring us some gas... WOO! What an end to the motorbiking adventure. I am still in one piece, but SO grotty from wearing the same 2 sets of clothes for a week. But that's why I checked into a very pricey US$16 dollar room with ooh, A/C and hot shower!! Living like a queen now! :)
Yo Mary
The pictures you posted seem to come out of National Geographic documentaries - women wearing tribal costumes, rice paddy fields?! They're really out of the(western) world!
Talk about life-time experiences, girl!
I've been wondering about your travelling style during your crazy motorbike adventure. The secret is out - only 2 change of clothes, eh?!
Ahh.. what about showers? You only mentioned the food and accommodation. What's the hygiene facilities like? Care to share?
Hi AP!
The facilities are pretty good - they always have showers, but never bathtubs. And actually, the showerhead is just installed into the wall, and sprays all over the tiled bathroom - no separate shower stall. Makes it easy to clean I guess!
There are squat toilets in public places, but other than that, all the hotels are pretty decent. One of course has to inspect the rooms before you commit - some places are pretty dodgy! Ha ha, like the $2 US place I had in Sihanoukville, Cambodia...the bathroom was verrry iffy...but I spent most my time on the beach anyways. ;)
hi mary!
WOW! is all i can say...
the photos are awesome...
your stories are crazy!!
free booze? riding around on a motorbike? you're living the life! : D
so...when does work start? = P
- alice
Hi Alice!
Ha ha, December...early December I will start work! Thanks for reading... lol, I'm glad the stories are entertaining... sometimes I can hardly believe it is me too.
Waouhhh Maryyyyyy what an amazing roundtrip by Minsk' motobike...I'm really impressed !!! And who was driving the motobike ?
Yes........IT'S MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))))
So good to see your life in Thailand and to read our adventures together.
You know what ? i'm going for 2 weeks in Sweden, Finland and Estonia for parties !! I can't stay anylonger, here in Paris.
I would love go with you, on the beach !!! Argghhhh fucking money needs.
I'm so tired, it is my second "white night", how do u say ? over night ? when u don't sleep !! Because i had to send my english cv before leaving and my english is very crapy at 5.am
see u soon and "ANH YAN EM VIETNAM"
I'M SO HAPPY TO GET INTO YOUR BLOG !!! You'll have to check my next trip pictures album !!
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