Monday, July 11, 2005

You'll want to go to SA!

Here are some pics from our trip! The First few are of some signs and stuff we found in SA. It's too bad we didn't get one of the "hi-jacking hot spot" road sign. I hope you understand.

We're in Mauritius right now and it has been SO awesome! Michelle's relatives are super friendly, and everyone greets family and friends by "kisses" on the cheek. LOL, and if you don't know, the number of people Michelle is related to is innumerable. We walk down the street in Port Louis, and bump into people! haha, I'm loving the tropical fruit, and the pretty beaches.

And although I am not the reading machine that is Michelle, I finished another couple of books: World of Suzie Wong (read it! Hong Kong in the 50s...) and The Romanov Prophecy (Made for Russian history buffs). Tomorrow, we're going to stay at Grand Baie in a bungalow closer to the beach...mmm...mmm...


Anonymous said...

your photos have left me speechless...wooooow!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh yes..the last comment was from me (alice) :)

Anonymous said...

hi mary!!

some lady at work came by with some home made zucchini cake!! yummmm...reminds me of the one you made last year at 554 johnson :)

hope you're having a blast!

take care,