Thursday, July 15, 2004

Well that was quick

One day you're at the dental surgeon getting a consultation and the next thing you know - one of your teeth is gone! Crazy...

It's Thursday afternoon and I am now the proud owner of 1 less tooth. I was optimistic that I could go back to work earlier...what was I thinking! This whole 10 minutes with ice, 10 minutes without, is fun and time consuming. I just hope that the pain killers don't wear off too soon.

Last night was amazing. Michelle & I headed to the grounds after she met me at the Whiskey (our department Stampede lunch was fun too!). The Whiskey has a great rooftop patio - mist is cool. After we stopped at the Emmanuel LaTruve bakery, we went to the Pink Floyd laser show!! The psychedelic glasses were awesome. Everything popped out at you. The best song they did was definitely Comfortably Numb (pics to come). After the show, we waited to get into Nashville North to see Jason McCoy. LOL, I waited all night for "I feel a sin coming on". When he played it during the encore, I was so happy! Too bad we missed the fireworks...

I think I'll post a Stampede Week album on my webpage. Yes! I finally have my act together and I'm going to update my only took 3 years.

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