Garfield, my trustworthy pal!
My parents are awesome. Look at this sign they made me!! Garfield! It's been 4 days since I got back, but I'm still not fully adjusted. It's like the bed is TOO comfy and everything is so clean! The main problem is the jetlag. I've never had such difficulties before! But the past few days, these nap attacks hit me at 3pm... brutal! But I only gave in once and slept til 9 ...at which point my Mom told me to get up for dinner. lol.
Yesterday was my Mom's birthday! We went out for Dim Sum and even though I had Dim Sum EVERY DAY (sometimes twice a day!) in Hong Kong, it was still enjoyable. Portion sizes in Canada are I dunno, double those in Hong Kong? So are the prices...LOL. I baked my

My Mom, me, and the tasty tasty lemon cheesecake...
Let's go for a whirlwind recap:

Dog meat restaurant...not uncommon in Guang Zhou...I didn't try it, of course!
I went back to Guang Zhou, a province in Southern China, and visited the village where my maternal grandparents are from. Wow, there's a boulevard that looks something like Les Champs Elysees right next door now! It's been 15 years since I visited, and the last time I was there, I banged up my eyebrow. One of the villagers that helped carry me to the hospital recognized me! And he gave me 4 live fish as a present! Wow... ok, this is horrible: Two of them died in the car...we had dinner before we went home...
Last few days in Thailand were covered in the last post...here are the anticipated pics!
Me, biking on Koh Tao...and of course, the tattoo. :)